
Sidney Charles Hickman

Sidney “Buddy” C. Hickman passed away Friday, November 12, 2021 at home with his wife and daughter by his side. Buddy is survived by his wife of 57½ years, Betty G. Hickman; daughter, Nicole C. Walker and her husband Chris A. Walker; grandson, Charles “Charlie” G. Walker; step-grandson, CJ Walker and his wife Grace Walker; 2 loving cats, Ralphie and Jingo; and special and close friends, Will Norton and Larry Williams.

Buddy retired after 37 years with Newport News Shipbuilding. After retirement Buddy became a Bail Bondsman for 20 plus years. He was a dedicated family man who loved his family, animals and muscle cars. His daughter Nicole and grandson Charlie were the light of his life.

In lieu of flowers please donate to your local animal shelter and/or the American Cancer Society.

Thank you to nurse Jordan with Riverside Hospice and much appreciation to the Bon Secours Hospice team. Buddy will be missed so much. We ask all to be kind to animals and each other.



    Betty and family, We are so very sorry to hear of Buddy’s passing. Just know we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers!

  2. Julian H Draper

    I am sorry to learn of BUDDY passing, have a lot of fond memories, working on X42 SHIP REPAIR me on day shift he on 2nd, he was a great mechanic an terrific supervise, he an his crew saved my butt lots of time getting the work done, i guess we worked together 25 years, he was a good leader an his crew got the work done an enjoyed working for him he loved to laugh an play pranks on anyone. Again i am sorry an may GOD’S grace ease the grief the family is going though

  3. Nicole Walker

    We are here; me, Mom and Charlie. Mom says she misses more and more every day. We went to the doctor for mom today they got her taken care of … she is in the clear. We wish you were there with us. Mom says she tells you “Good night each night and she says she loves you. I made dinner for us and we 3 ate together tonight. We are thankful you have no more pain. It does not get easier without you. We look at pictures and talk about you everyday. We will forever do this! Will and Larry have continued to check on us. Charlie says he misses you so much He asked Santa could he see his Pop one more time? Dad I miss you and promise I will forever hold you in my heart. (Cole)
    I will always love you. (Bee)

  4. Nicole Walker

    Dad Tonight Charlie and I made Mom’s birthday cake. We will get her tomorrow and have her over. She picked spaghetti So I will make spaghetti for her. We miss you so bad, Charlie cried for over an hour last night. This is the hardest thing to deal with.

    We love you Dad!!!

  5. Earl Slone

    Buddy .. l will remember you as a good brother in law and friend ..lrene and l thought so much of you .. we loved you and will miss you .. please rest now and know l will keep my promise..

  6. Nicole

    Dad It’s March now and I miss you more than ever. Mom has been in the hospital and I was scared to death. I got her home and then she fell and broke her collar bone. I am worried every day. Dad I miss our texts and calls, you were always there for me and I am lost without you. I will forever be broken by this and I can assure my love will never fade. I am there for mom and always will be!

  7. Cole

    Dad I told Mom I finally have logged back in here. Mom said to tell you she loves you and misses you. Chris has rrally stepped up and helped so much. Charlie still wears your hat everyday. He misses you so much. He is so sad without you.

    We love you and talk about you everyday!

  8. Nicole C Walker

    Dad, I lost Mom Wednesday and I am heartbroken beyond words. Mom fought so very hard, she said Tuesday, she wanted to live. She tried so hard, she was so weak. She is my bestfriend and I need her so bad. I know she missed you so much and was so scared without you. I tried Dad, I really did. Chris, Charlie and I were there everyday. I couldn’t fill your shoes as hard as I tried. She grieved for you so hard, her heart was already broken and without you her heart could not go on. Dad I miss you and now I will miss Mom. I love you both with every ounce of my being.


  9. Nicole Walker

    Dad, today is Easter. First Easter without you and beyond beleif it is without Mom too. I remember last Easter you felt so bad. You were not able to eat, you were so pale and weak. I drove you and Mom home. I am so sad everyday, I cry constantly. I was at yall’s house last night. Crying so hard, telling you and Mom it is not supposed to be like this. I miss you so much! Life will never be the same. Charlie got a giant bean bag from me and Chris. Mom chose a beautiful bowling ball and a bag to match for Charlie’s Easter gift. I have already cried today and will cry again and again.

    I love you Dad, forever!


  10. Cole

    Dad today is May 1. 2022 Today is your birthday. I am so sad and lost today as I am every day. I honestly do not see this ever getting easier. I love you and miss you so much. I live with sadness and anger Life will not be complete My heart is broken and carry’s a pain

  11. Nicole Walker

    Dad Today is 2 months without Mom and 6 months without you. I am as depressed today as I was at those days. My life is so different without you and Mom. We are over at the house every day it is the one place I feel you and Mom. Dad, Chris and I have been working constantly at the house. We opened the pool new liner and boards being replaced on the deck. It looks so nice I have sit over and over I wish so bad you and Mom could be a part of this. I love you so much.

  12. Cole

    Dad it is June 6th Tomorrow is my birthday. First birthday without you and Mom. I never imagined I would be saying this at this point in life. There is so much that is going to happen and I will not get to share it with you and Mom. I am struggling not being able to call you guys just to chat or tell you something happening. I miss you both so much it hurts like a throbbing pain. I have cried so much I feel like I have no more tears. We are struggling without you two. Our lives are so different. Charlie is struggling and I don’t think he even knows he is. Chris is struggling and he is trying to stay strong. I know I am wearing him thin. I am in bad shape. My world is so shattered and I do not know how to pick up the pieces. I plan to get Charlie and I in grief counseling. Dad I love you so much and I wish I could tell you. We have been working really hard on the pool and the deck. We did it Dad! We got the liner in and it looks amazing. I now know why you dreaded it so much you never complained or expressed how much work went into doing all that. Chris has been replacing boards and we have new furniture. Charlie loves the pool. Mom said this was the year. Dad you will be my hero, the one who could fix it all. I love you with every ounce of my being

  13. Nicole

    Dad I know its been a little bit, I have been overwhelmed without you and Mom. Ralphie and JIngo miss you guys so much. We are there with them 2 times a day everyday. I constantly ask how this has happened. You and Mom are suppose to be here. I have been putting it off but I am going to reach out to grief counseling this week. I cry all the time. I cried today. Dad I love you so much!!


  14. Cole

    Dad I sit here and feel the sadness in my body more than ever. You and Mom’s anniversay 58 years and you guys are not here. It still does not seem real. You guys have been a part of every aspect of my life it is so empty without you guys. Ralphie and Jingo miss you guys so much Ralphie shows his sadness everyday. Dad I don’t know how to move on and be myself again. I am not the same I miss you and Mom so much

  15. Nicole Walker

    Dad it’s been some time since I have wrote on here. I can’t feel any peace with life anymore. I went to counseling hoping to get some ease with all of this but I have came to terms that there is no ease. Without you and Mom I am half the person I was. My world is shattered and the pieces will never go back together. I try daily to be “normal” for Charlie. I believe I am failing. My sadness has overtaken my heart and I cannot hide it. I miss you and Mom more than words can ever express. Life is never the same.

    I love you!

  16. Nicole Walker

    Dad, I love you so much! Yesterday was Mom’s birthday it was a numb feeling for me. I was not feeling well I cry so much anymore I feel sick. Dad life is not the same without you and Mom. Chris ordered the engine for the Camaro, it came a couple weeks ago. I cried watching it coming off the truck. Dad I can’t explain that I feel everyday missing you and Mom. I will forever be broken, there is no fix for me.
    I love you so much!


  17. Nicole Walker

    Dad, It has been a while since I have written on here. Life is so hard, I have tried to navaigate and I am not doing well. We have been working quite a bit at ya’lls house. We painted ya’lls bedroom yellow like yall wanted. We tore down the shed and have a small one to put up. We are working in the kitchen, it’s almost all painted. We have repaired the shakes on the shake wall, (we know you wanted those to stay) 🙂 Dad this is so sad you and Mom should be here to enjoy all these things. Charlie is not doing well, he stays so angry. He has had a lot of loss so close together and he misses you so much. Dad i hope youknew how much I love you. This is a pain that will never go away.
    Love ya,

  18. Nicole Walker

    Dad it’s me. I want to say I love you so much. Here we are on your birthday and you are not here. I have been talking about you today and Chris said it perfectly as he and I sat on yalls porch today, he said ” I would so much like to be sitting here waiting on your Mom and Dad to figure out where we would be going for dinner.” Dad there is not 1 day that goes by that I do not think of you and Mom and feel so much pain and anger from yall not being here. Life will never be the same without you and Mom. My heart is half now. You and Mom made me who I am, I will forever be in pain without you two. Ralphie and Jingo are coming to our house this weekend, we are so worried how they will adjust, but we feel so bad they stay by themselves so much. We are over there 1-2 times everyday but it is just not enough.

    I love you Dad.


  19. Nicole Walker

    It has been a while since I have came to this page. My heart is so broken and everyday it gets more and more shattered. I try to keep going only because I have to for Charlie. I honestly do not know how to be in a good place to help him through this because I cannot do that for myself. I need you and Mom so much. I miss you guys so much I actually ache. I knew my world would no longer be a world that was good for me without you and Mom. I worry more and more everyday, there is noone here for Charlie. His world is so diffrent now. He still will wakes in the middle of the night crying about you and his Bee. Dad, I relive those horrible moments daily. These are scars I will never heal. I love you and Mom so much. I was able to be in this world because of you and Mom. I am so sorry I couldn’t fix this, I have failed at so much. I wear those failures everyday.

  20. Nicole Walker

    Hey Dad! I will first say I miss you so much. This world is so wrong without you and Mom. I am still sad and angry and so overwhelmed with hurt. Charlie is hurting so deeply and he doesn’t know how to express it. We talk about you and Mom everyday. You will forever be in our conversations it is the only way to keep going. Chris misses you and Mom I know he does not know how to express it either. His Mother messed him up so bad. Dad I will never be the same I can’t be. My love is not the same I do not feel the sweetness and care that I had while you and Mom were in my life. Y’all made me a good person. Charlie is alone and that scares me. I never felt alone I always had you and Mom. I waited too long to have children. I have so many regrets and I can’t change any of it, but I wear those regrets like a scarlett letter. Dad I love you and I miss you and I will forever be sad without you


  21. Nicole Walker


    I know it has been a while since I have written on here. Not because I didn’t think to or want to. Life is such a struggle. Without you and Mom I do not know how to just be. I am so sad and tired. I don’t want to be here. There is nothing that makes me feel happy or safe. You and Mom had my back no matter what, even when I was wrong. There is no one like that. Chris and Charlie are not enough. They make me feel sadness even more. My life is so miserable. I wake each day with the same things on my mind everyday. I feel like I did not do enough to save you and Mom. I felt like I was trying so hard, but I don’t feel like it now. My life is not good and I have no one to talk me through. You and Mom gave me courage and strength. I am not a person anymore I am an empty exist-er. Dad you and I had disagreements and I wish so bad we did not. We never should have gotten on separate pages about the Camaro. It is just a car. I was happy you were enjoying it. Things were so out of sync about it there for a while. Will has practically disappeared. I thought he would stick around what I fool I was to think that. People don’t really care. This world is not the same without you and Mom. Tomorrow is another birthday for me and it is a hurtful day, because the two people that gave me life are not here. I have no plans nor does that matter.As I write this I sit here in front of you and Moms urns crying typing these words. I plan to write on Mom’s page too. Dad, I love you so much. I told you were you came home and things had started taking you, I missed you already and you said “Oh Cole” I can see you saying that to me. I miss you so much!

    Love you,

  22. Chris walker

    Buddy. To say you are missed is an understatement. Cole and Charlie are still and will always be so saddened by your passing. I am unable to fill the void. I am trying but I am tired and I am failing a lot. It has been so rough on Nicole. She will never be the same Nicole. I am sorry for all the times Well you know what I am talking about. Please continue to watch over us every day. I know you are so proud of Charlie and what he can do with a guitar. Broken hearts. Chris

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