Our Thoughts

Journaling to Deal with Grief

Journaling can be a therapeutic and thorough way for people to come to terms with their grief. In a fast-paced virtual world, taking the time to chronicle and explore your feelings can help you through one of the most difficult times you might ever have to face.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • I’m grieving the loss of …
  • The most difficult time of the day ….
  • I especially miss …
  • My favorite memory is …
  • My support system includes …
  • I wish my friends would say or do …
  • It is hurtful when people …
  • It is helpful when people …
  • The things that help me most right now are …
  • When I’m alone, I …
  • I will lean on …

However you deal with grief, it’s important to know that you are not alone. 

Here are some helpful links when dealing with grief.